Winter is here

Winter is here

Winter came roaring in this week. Hopefully everyone reading this post made it through the storm safely and stayed warm. It was a doozy. This is our dog, Rush. He was very happy to have the drift of snow moved out of his kennel today. Although the other half of his...
He’s a Keeper

He’s a Keeper

Meet Jeff. He’s a keeper. Truly an all around good guy. Jeff is one of our hunting guides. If you are on the calendar to hunt at Broken Arrow, chances are pretty solid you’ll get to meet him in person! We keep him super busy during hunting season and...
Open for Business!!

Open for Business!!

A good time was had by all and the Lodge at Broken Arrow Farms is now officially open for business. We appreciate everyone for coming out to celebrate with us! The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce kicked it off with this little man and his giant scissor… He...