Rush watching me clear snow out of the kennels.
Winter came roaring in this week. Hopefully everyone reading this post made it through the storm safely and stayed warm. It was a doozy.
This is our dog, Rush. He was very happy to have the drift of snow moved out of his kennel today. Although the other half of his kennel is inside a heated kennel building, he prefers to be outside so he can see what’s going on at the farm. He’s a good boy.
Check out the snow though. Woof!! That’s a LOT of snow!!
We had a full week of blizzards in South Dakota…yep, you read that right, the whole state got rocked. The western border got 48 inches in some areas! We got a little over 14 inches in Pierre, but it shut us down for a solid 4 straight days. So digging out has only just begun.

Icicles and waves of drifted snow outside the dog kennels.
The wind has made some very interesting drifts in the snow. Now that the storm has passed, we are able to appreciate the beauty that was left behind. Nature is so very powerful and truly amazing. Mike is out flying his drone… I will try to share some of that video soon.
Make sure you follow Broken Arrow Farms on Facebook and Instagram too. We post photos on those platforms regularly so you can keep up with our day to day operations there.
Wishing you all the happiest of holidays and the best that 2023 has to offer.